Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Real Turkish Angora | Pictures of Cats

In the 1800s, Turkish Angoras were also imported to North America, where they quickly became popular, along with Persians and other "exotic" cat breeds. Unfortunately for the Angora, in 1887 the British cat fancy decided that all .... When Turkish Angoras were first transported to England and France in the 1700s, they became very popular and were prized as status symbols. Only the richest cat lovers could afford them. Personality. According to fanciers, this active ...
turkish angora cat breeders uk

Turkish Van
Turkish Van

Turkish Van Kittens For Sale
Turkish Van Kittens For Sale

Turkish Van Cat Club UK
Turkish Van Cat Club UK

Turkish Angora
Turkish Angora

Turkish Angora Cat Breeders Uk
Turkish Angora Cat Breeders Uk

Latest Turkish Angora Kittens
Latest Turkish Angora Kittens

The Turkish Van is a longhaired breed of domestic cat that is descended from the landrace of Van cats found near Lake Van in modern Turkey. The breed is rare, ... "I was first given a pair of Van kittens in 1955 while traveling in Turkey, and decided to bring them back to England, although touring by car and mainly camping at the time – the fact that they survived in good condition showed up the great adaptability and intelligence of their breed in trying circumstances.
Turkish Van Personality - Turkish Van & Turkish Angora Cats

Post navigation. ← Why is Declawing Illegal in the UK? Hate Crimes and Caboodle Ranch → .... Not sure why Angoras (I presume you mean Turkish Angoras) look like shorthairs except to say that breeders in the US pretty much decide for themselves what a cat breed should look like and it bears little resemblance often to the original cat. So breeders tend to selectively breed the cat away from its origins. Doll face Persians are beautiful and more like the original.
turkish angora cat breeders uk


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